Explore Appalachian history and culture during this two-day festival, held at the Foxfire Museum. Each day will feature special demonstrations, hands-on activities, and music for the whole family! The Cost for Heritage Days is $15 per person 62 & above; $20 for 18-61; $10 for 7-17; free for 6 & under. You may purchase tickets on […]
Unfortunately, due to the weather forecast, we are postponing this event until June 8th during our Heritage Day Festival. We apologize for any inconvenience. Join us for a summer community dye day! Bring a plain white article that is 100% cotton such as a t-shirt, bandana, or tote bag. Drop it off in our indigo […]
Learn to take the bark of the native tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) and turn it into a handy basket to hold berries, mushrooms, flowers, snacks, or just to hang on the wall! We will use hickory bark to stitch everything together and to use as a handle for carrying. This is a widespread tradition in […]
Come join Miss Jenny and Briar Stevens as you spend an honest day making old-fashioned Lye soap. Old-fashion in a sense that you can pronounce the ingredients and understand the process. We will make the one and only “Lye soap”, a product that has stood the test of time. Lye soap does not need scent […]