For part 2 of our celebration of Women’s History Month, we’re taking a look at a unique woman in our archive: Angelina del’ Arciprete Davis. Angelina was born in Milan, Italy in...
Looking for a simple, new fiber art to practice? Wet felting is a great activity for all ages and uses just three materials: water, soap, and wool. This virtual class will build on the basic skills...
In honor of women’s history month, we are listening to three interviews conducted in 1975–so named the “International Women’s Year.” Foxfire students sat down with...
In celebration of Black History Month, we are featuring stories from our archive that capture black experiences in Appalachia. Each week in February, we will highlight one individual who shared...
In celebration of Black History Month, we are featuring stories from our archive that capture black experiences in Appalachia. Each week in February, we will highlight one individual who shared...
In celebration of Black History Month, we are featuring stories from our archive that capture black experiences in Appalachia. Each week in February, we will highlight one individual who shared...
Celebrate February with a few love stories from our archive! Learn about courtship (dating) practices and marriage customs from the early 20th century. We’ll sit down with Granny Mary Cabe,...
In celebration of Black History Month, we are featuring stories from our archive that capture black experiences in Appalachia. Each week in February, we will highlight one individual who shared...
Foxfire’s mission is to preserve and develop the public’s appreciation for Southern Appalachian history – its history, people, and traditions – through artifacts, oral history, and programs that interpret, document and celebrate the region, and fosters self-directed, community-based classroom instruction following the Foxfire Core Practices.